My goodness Fridays are the best days EVER. Ive never been more excited for a Friday any time in my life. We decided that we were going to get squirrelly tonight (and by we, I mean my amazing future roommates Mady, Emma, and Goolia) and let loose after a LONG week of long hours and some incredibly hard work. The work day came and went (we learned about diversity, managing our classrooms, etc.) and I actually got to start setting up my classroom for Monday. I got my official lanyard that reads “Ms. Sullivan”. Yes, I have a teacher name, a teacher voice, and now a teacher badge. I can not wait to get into my classroom. I want it to be the best classroom these kids have ever seen. The only problem is that I do not really have the time or funds to create the actual classroom environment that id like to. It is hard for me to work with two other people and not have full control. I never realized how much I like to do things independently until now.
But back to last night. We went to a Mexican restaurant which turned out to be pretty good, but was no Don Jose. I love hanging out with my friends because they like same weird crap that I do- i.e. we talked about the themes for each of the birthday parties that we are going to throw for each other. The first theme is going to be “centaurs and kings” and yes, it is a dress up party. When we were leaving the restaurant, the clouds outside were huge cumulonimbus and streaked with red and purple from the sunset. Sunset and sunrise in the delta is pretty fantastic. I feel luckier and luckier to be here every day. Especially today because I am still laying in bed at 10:27am listening to Dashboard confessional and writing. We drove back to the campus, windows rolled down, laughing, and happy. I don’t know when I have been this happy. Things are by no means perfect here, but it is a different kind of good. And I never realized (until I got here and the microscope is definitely on you) that my personality is so distinct. The disconnect between how I see myself and how other people view me is HUGE. Dude, im harder on myself than anyone ever could be. People see me as confident. Me, confident? I love that. It makes me so happy that that is what I project to people, and it makes me feel even better about getting in the classroom and being able to be this confidence builder for my little savvy 6th graders.
Can I tell you how excited about our “A world of possibilities” theme I am? Timeout is Antarctica, each table group is a country that is in the world cup, and we are going to give mini lessons on counties around the world. My kiddies will a passport for behavior, and when they have good behavior, they will get a stamp in their passport. Maybe a field trip could be involved? An optional movie night to learn about other cultures? This is exactly how I want to set up my own classroom (if I ever even get one) in the fall. The interviewing/hiring process isn’t going so well for yours truly. But luckily I don’t have time to worry about it (because im so freaking busy) and I have an amazing team of people working hard on my behalf. Mainly im just glad that I cant think about it because my head is in 50 other places at the same time.
Again, back to last night. After our Mexican experience, we went to the campus catfish fry. People love their catfish here. I cant jump on board because a. fish is SICK (I had catfish last week, I almost barfed) and b. have you seen a freakin catfish? Especially the ones in canyon lake? I vomit in my mouth just thinking about it. they had a trailer full of free beer (TFAers love their alchohol) and a cool bluesy band. We stayed and danced wild and chatted with other corps members until the mosquitos became too unbearable. Then back to the dorms, then out to the gas station for some drinks (my weapon of choice tonight, amp. Ive learned that you HAVE to have something in your hand to drink or its very awkward in a group of people) while listening to destiny’s child, the writings on the wall album. Say my name is such a prolific song. Then, back to goolias room where we listened to music and talked for like an hour. Then upstairs to this adorable boy named will’s room where a black light was set up. It was supposed to be a dance party, but unfortunately no one was dancing. I tried, it was awkward. People were most certainly letting loose though. It was a long week for everyone I suppose. I chatted, mingled, and the like. It was hilarious. A dorm party and we are the teachers of the new generation. (also see the centaur and kings party. Yes, we will be teaching your children). Not exactly my scence, not going to lie. I love talking and interacting in smaller groups, not being the only person without a drink who isn’t super loosened up. Its mui frustrating. After around 2 hours of that crap, we went to emmers room and had an amazing heart to heart. It is so nice to be honest and candid. It felt so cathartic. I have a lot of things to think about. Among these many things I need to sort out, is the idea of getting boys to like me. Apparently they do, but I am so firm in my version of right and wrong that they don’t even become options for me. Fascinating!! There are some cute boys here (especially in the north Carolina corp) in my corps, but the ratio is like 6:1 in favor of girls. Feels like provo again. It makes me miss the people in my life that I love, and probably will love forever. Oh gosh, im a sentimental freak. When did I become such a blue?
All in all, it was successful night. We are going to explore the delta today. And then, start working for next week!! So much to do! Im so happy to be able to do it too.
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